Meningie Area School highly values co-curricular and extracurricular activities to support students expanding their experiences beyond Meningie.
A broad range of options are available to students including sports, sailing, instrumental music, Young Environmental Leaders, Student Voice. Meningie Area School students were instrumental in the development of the skate park for the community. Primary students have a long-standing program with Jallarah Homes. Secondary students can be part of the Adelaide Show Team exhibiting steers, sheep and goats.

Instrumental Music
Students can choose to learn an instrument through the Department for Educations Instrumental Music Program from Year 5. Teachers visit the school once a week to deliver lessons.
Students can join a choir which participates in regional concerts and attends the Festival of Music in Adelaide.
School Production
A whole school production is held biennially.

Royal Adelaide Show Team
The region has a strong agriculture focus and the school curriculum reflects this. Agriculture is offered as a subject from year 4. Committed students year 6-12 can join the “Show Team” and attend the Royal Adelaide Show exhibiting steers, sheep and goats.

All students are encouraged to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge throughout the year. Book Week is celebrated in Term 3, Week 5 with activities and an assembly – families welcome.

The school has strong connection to community. Primary students have a long-standing program with Jallarah Homes engaging with residents.
Secondary students engage with career education locally with visits, work experience and school-based traineeships.
Students exhibit art pieces at the local community Coorong Industries and local public spaces.
The agriculture program is supported by many businesses including the donation of stock, equipment and expertise.

There is a program of camps and excursions across R-12. R-3 have “sleep overs” and excursions to local venues such as Monarto Zoo, Tailem Town.
From year 3 students attend camps in Adelaide and other excursions.
Students’ year 7-10 have opportunities such as aquatics camps, outdoor adventure camps and a Canberra Camp.
Senior students have an annual camp in Adelaide for the Adelaide Fringe to experience performances and exhibitions to support their learning.