Meningie Area School highly values co-curricular and extracurricular activities to support students expanding their experiences beyond Meningie.
A broad range of options are available to students including sports, sailing, instrumental music, Young Environmental Leaders, Student Voice. Meningie Area School students were instrumental in the development of the skate park for the community. Primary students have a long-standing program with Jallarah Homes. Secondary students can be part of the Adelaide Show Team exhibiting steers, sheep and goats.

The school runs a School Sports Day in term 1 and a School Swim Carnival in term 4. The focus of the days is participation and team spirit in earning points for the two houses No:ri and Kungari. Students are selected from these days to complete in Interschools Carnivals against other schools in the Upper South-East. From the interschool competition students may be selected to represent the Upper South-East in Adelaide.
A number of sports are offered as interschool competitions e.g. Tag Rugby, Netball, Frisbee Golf, Cross Country. Classes participate in these as part of their Health & Physical Education programme.

Students wishing to participate in regional teams can ask their parents to nominate them using the link for forms or QR code. Parents/families or students can speak to their HPE teacher for more information.
Notifications of these sports is sent home via the school communication system EDSMART and Facebook. Parents/families can nominate their children and are responsible for transport to trainings and events.

Meningie Area School partners with the Meningie Sailing Club to teach sailing to students in year 6 & 7 as part of their Health & Physical Education programme.
The school and club also run after school sailing on Wednesday afternoons (3pm-4:15pm) in terms 1 and 4 for any students interested in sailing. Teams are formed to participate in the State Secondary Schools Team Sailing competition held in the April school holidays.
A regional competition is held as a lead up to this event in mid March.